space space


Autor/in:Richard Berg
Mark Herman
Grafik:Joe Youst
Verlag:GMT Games
Serie:Great Battles of History
Preis:US$ 45
Anzahl Spieler:1-4
Hintergrund:Sengoku Jidai, 1560-1600:Age of Warring States in Japan
Englische Rezensionen:EZ, EZ
Homepages:Homepage (EN)
Material:850 full-color two-sided counters, including 528 full-color two-sided 5/8" counters
2 full-color 22x34" mapsheets, back-printed, with two half-maps, depicting five battlefields
One 10-sided die
24-page modified Great Battles of History Rule Book
20-page Scenario Book
Player Aid Cards: Combat Tables Card, Terrain and Other Tables Card
Letzte Änderung:10.01.07

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