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Fraud Squad

Autor/in:Anye SellersBild von 'Fraud Squad'
Verlag:Dancing Eggplant Games
Preis:US$ 12.00
Anzahl Spieler:3-6
Altersgruppe:ab 8 Jahre
Spieldauer:¾ Stunde bis 1½ Stunden
Pressetext:You are an SEC investigator whose department has received an anonymous tip that a major corporation has been committing egregious acts of fraud. Unfortunately, the tip left out several important details, such as which exactly company is involved, which employees are responsible, and how the scams are being perpetrated.

Determined to solve this case, your upper management team has offered a bonus and a nice promotion to the investigator who solves the crime and makes the arrest.

Search for evidence as to the who's, where's, and how's of the case, while derailing your coworkers' attempts to do the same. Stay sharp, keep your notebook with you at all times and maybe you'll...
Letzte Änderung:10.01.07

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