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Too Many Cooks

Year:Essen 2001Picture of 'Too Many Cooks'
Designer:Andy Merritt
Publisher name:Andy Merritt
No. of players:3-5
Duration:1 hour to 1½ hours
English reviews:EFUN, The Games Journal
Comment:print run: approx. 300
Press info:Too Many Cooks is an auction based game in which the players take the part of restauranteurs and chefs, trying to provide the best selection of meals for their customers while also making as much money as possible. The restaurant business is harsh though, and not everyone can be successful.

There are two decks of cards, one containing recipes and the other ingredients. A number of the recipe cards are placed in the centre of the table, from where they can be claimed by a player having the right ingredients.

The ingredients are most frequently bought by auction, but the auctioneer takes 4 ingredient cards from which he selects 2 which are then auctioned off. Other options include purchase of random ingredients at a fixed price and a way to reveal new recipe cards.

At the end of the game there are bonuses for the players with the best selection of recipes in 5 different cuisines as well as a penalty for a restaurant with no vegetarian option! After bonuses have been paid, the player with the most money is the winner.
Box text:Das Restaurantgeschäft ist hart! Die Kunden sind nicht leicht zufriedenzustellen, aber ein guter Koch und eine Speisekarte mit einer großen Auswahl von Gerichten hilft ungemein! In diesem Spiel treten Restaurantchefs gegeneinander an, um Kunden zu werben. Wer seinen Kunden die beste Auswahl von Gerichten vorsetzen kann verdient das meiste Geld und gewinnt den Wettstreit.

Im Verlauf des Spieles erwerben die Spieler Zutaten, mit denen sie dann nach vielen möglichen Rezepten Gerichte zubereiten können. Zubereitet werden können jedoch immer nur bestimmte Gerichte, deren Rezepte bekannt sind. Erfolgreich zubereitete Gerichte bringen Geld, das wieder in neue Zutaten investiert werden will, um neue Gerichte zuzubereiten. Die Rezepte stammen aus 5 verschiedenen internationalen Küchen (chinesisch, englisch, indisch, italienisch, französisch) und können vegetarisch sein. .....
Contents:20 Recipe Cards (beige backs showing meals)
68 Ingredient Cards (white backs showing ingredients)
20 (approx) Butter Beans (10 units of money each)
20 (approx) Kidney Beans (5 units of money each)
40 (approx) Turtle Beans (1 unit of money each)
2 Game Progess Cards (double sided)
4 Information Sheets
3 Sections of playing board
1 Large nut (current turn marker)

1 Set of rules
Last modified:07.06.07

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