space space

Iglu Iglu

Year:Nürnberg 2004Picture of 'Iglu Iglu'
Designer:Bruno Faidutti
Bruno Cathala
Art:Guido Hoffmann
Publisher name:Goldsieber
Price:EUR 22.00
No. of players:2-4
Age:10 years and up
Duration:¾ to 1 hour
Awards:Spiel der Spiele: Games with Friends (2004)
German reviews:DBAR, H@LL9000, LoRP, Pöppelkiste, ReichDerSpiele, Spieletest, Spielphase, Topolino
English reviews:G@mebox
FAQ:Faidutti (EN,FR)
Homepages:Faidutti (EN,FR)
Rules:Faidutti (EN,FR)
Variants:Faidutti (EN,FR)
Online shop:EFUN (EN)
Press info:Igloo-Igloo is a kind of Carcassonne in reverse. The tiles are ice floes - they melt and disappear, or they simply drift. Each player controls an inuit tribe and tries to control the scarce remaining territories, while fishing seals and fishes, and avoiding the big bad white bear.
Contents:1 Spielbrett
56 Eisschollen
28 Fischplättchen
10 Fuchs-Plättchen
4 Eisbär-Plättchen
16 Spielfiguren
8 Iglus
4 Kurzspielregeln
Last modified:08.12.23

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