space space


Year:2001Picture of 'Rumis'
Designer:Stefan Kögl
Publisher name:Murmel Spielwerkstatt und Verlag
Price:EUR 39.00
No. of players:2-4
Age:8 years and up
Duration:½ hour to 1½ hours
Awards:Auswahlliste 'Spiel des Jahres' (Selection List for Game of the Year) (2003)
German reviews:DLZ, FAIRspielt, H@LL9000, H@LL9000, JurySdJ, ReichDerSpiele, Spieletest, Spielphase
English reviews:Faidutti, WestparkGamers
French reviews:Faidutti
Successors:Rumis (2006); Huch!; Stefan Kögl
Rumis+ (2006); Huch!; Stefan Kögl
Contents:4 game boards
44 game pieces
Picture of 'Rumis'
Picture of 'Rumis'
Last modified:08.12.23

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