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Der große Dalmuti

Year:1996Picture of 'Der große Dalmuti'
Designer:Richard Garfield
Publisher name:Amigo
Price:EUR 6.00
No. of players:4-8
Age:8 years and up
Duration:¾ hour and more
German reviews:DB, DCLIQ, GoodGameGuide, JurySdJ, Spieletest, Spielphase
English reviews:EFUN, Faidutti
French reviews:Faidutti
Online shop:EFUN (EN)
Translations:The great Dalmuti (1995); Wizards of the Coast; Richard Garfield
Similar games:Corporate Shuffle (1997); Wizards of the Coast
Contents:80 Spielkarten
Picture of 'Der große Dalmuti'
Picture of 'Der große Dalmuti'
Last modified:04.12.23

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