space space


Jahr:1968Bild von 'Risk'
Autor/in:Albert Lamorisse
Verlag:Parker Brothers
Status:Produktion eingestellt
Gewicht:1745 g
Größe:59 x 28 x 4,5 cm
Anzahl Spieler:2-6
Altersgruppe:ab 10 Jahre
Spieldauer:1½ Stunden
Beschreibung:The object of the game is to occupy every territory on the board and, in so doing, eliminate all other players.
Material:playing board, six sets of playing pieces, each set of a different color, consisting of a box of cubes and several oblong pieces in a separate box. Each cube represents one army and the oblong pieces are equivalent to ten armies. A deck of 44 cards. Six dice, 3 of which are white and 3 of which are colored.
Bild von 'Risk'
Bild von 'Risk'
Letzte Änderung:08.03.12

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