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Academy Games

Publisher name:Academy Games

Published games

1775: Rebellion2013Beau Beckett
Jeph Stahl
Academy GamesBoard  26.04.19  
Bloody Crossroads: Gettysburg Day 12014Uwe EickertAcademy GamesBoard  23.12.14  
Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear Firefight Generator2015Gunter EickertAcademy GamesBoard  18.10.15  
Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! Russia 1941-422008Uwe EickertAcademy GamesBoard SpieLama (DE)13.09.08  
Conflict of Heroes: Eastern Front Solo Expansion2015John H. Butterfield
Uwe Eickert
Gunter Eickert
Academy GamesBoard  18.10.15  
Freedom: The Underground Railroad2013Brian MayerAcademy GamesBoard SpieLama (DE)09.10.21  
High Command: Europe2014Oriol GarciaAcademy GamesBoard  23.12.14  
Strike of the Eagle2009Uwe Eickert
Robert Zak
Brian Bennet
Academy Games
Gry Leonardo
War HomoLudens (DE)05.10.17 Some copies still available
Wikinger 878 A.D. Angriff auf England / Vikings Invasions of England2017Beau Beckett
Dave Kimmel
Jeph Stahl
Academy GamesBoard  06.02.21  
Wikinger 878 A.D. - Das Zeitalter der Wikinger / Vikings Invasions of England: Viking Age Expansion2017Beau Beckett
Gunter Eickert
Dave Kimmel
Jeph Stahl
Academy GamesBoard  06.02.21  
Wikinger 878 A.D.: Angriff auf England2017Beau Beckett
Dave Kimmel
Jeph Stahl
Academy GamesBoard Spieletest (DE)20.12.23  

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