space space

Hare and Tortoise

Designer:David Parlett
Publisher name:Rio Grande Games
Article number:#149
Price:US$ 25
No. of players:2-6
Age:10 years
Duration:¾ to 1 hour
English reviews:E2P, EFUN, ES
Online shop:EFUN (EN)
Translations:Hase und Igel (2000); Abacusspiele; David Parlett
Predecessors:Hase und Igel (1978); Ravensburger; David Parlett
Hare and Tortoise; Gibsons Games; David Parlett
Hare and Tortoise (1974); Instinct; David Parlett
Press info:This games features the legendary race between the hare and the tortoise, but with a twist. Each player plays both parts at different stages of the race. Sometimes it is best to race like the rabbit; others, it is best to move slowly and cautiously like the turtle. In the end, it is the best combination of the two strategies that will win the race. Great fun for families, but also some serious strategy for serious players.
Last modified:09.01.07

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