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Warcraft - Das Brettspiel

Year:Essen 2003Picture of 'Warcraft - Das Brettspiel'
Designer:Kevin Wilson
Publisher name:Heidelberger Spieleverlag
Status:In print
Price:EUR 40.00
No. of players:2-
Age:12 years and up
Duration:1½ hours
German reviews:DCLIQ, H@LL9000
Translations:Warcraft - The Boardgame (2003); Fantasy Flight; Kevin Wilson
Contents:13 Board Pieces
40 Wooden Melee Unit Markers
28 Wooden Ranged Unit Markers
16 Wooden Flying Unit Markers
4 Town Interfaces 8 Outpost Markers
32 Building Tiles
32 Worker Markers
36 Unit Tiles
84 Spell Cards
50 Gold Tokens
50 Wood Tokens
18 Depletion Tokens
4 Battle Dice
1 Resource Die
14 Quest Tokens
Picture of 'Warcraft - Das Brettspiel'
Last modified:10.01.07

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