space space


Year:1995Picture of 'Speed'
Designer:Reinhard Staupe
Publisher name:Adlung-Spiele
Price:DM 13
No. of players:2
Age:8 years and up
Duration:3 to 5 minutes
-Auswahlliste 'Spiel des Jahres' (Selection List for Game of the Year) (1996)
-à la carte: card game award of the Fairplay magazine, Rank: 3 (1996)
German reviews:DB, DCLIQ, DHK, GamesWePlay, GoodGameGuide, H@LL9000, JurySdJ, JurySdJ, MikesGamingNet, Mit80, ReichDerSpiele, SpielMitMir, Spielphase
English reviews:EFUN, ER, Faidutti
French reviews:Faidutti
Information:Wikipedia (DE)
Online shop:EFUN (EN)
Translations:Blink (2001); Out of the Box Publishing; Reinhard Staupe
Similar games:Speed Art No. 1 (1995); Adlung-Spiele; Reinhard Staupe
Comment:maintheme:Discard material: Cards
Contents:60 Spielkarten
Picture of 'Speed'
1. Auflage
Picture of 'Speed'
Last modified:09.03.10

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