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Year:1973Picture of 'Pit'
Publisher name:Parker Brothers
Status:Out of print
Article number:661
No. of players:3-7
Age:8 years and up
English reviews:EFUN, EFUN, EFUN, Faidutti
French reviews:Faidutti
Online shop:EFUN (EN)
Similar games:Wheedle (2002); Out of the Box Publishing; Reiner Knizia
Comment:maintheme:Business majortheme:Stock Market
Box text:Object: to be the first player to score a total of 500 points. This usually takes several hands of play. In each hand, you'll try to corner the market on one of the following commodities: Barley, Corn, Flax, Hay, Oats, Rye or Wheat. You've cornered a market when all the cards in your hand are of the same commodity.
Picture of 'Pit'
Last modified:30.05.14

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