space space

Meurtre à l'Abbaye

Designer:Bruno Faidutti
Serge Laget
Publisher name:Multisim
Price:FF 179
No. of players:3-6
Age:10 years and up
Duration:1 hour to 2 hours
English reviews:ER
FAQ:Faidutti (EN,FR)
Homepages:Faidutti (EN,FR)
Rules:Faidutti (EN,FR)
Variants:Faidutti (EN,FR)
Translations:Das Geheimnis der Abtei (2003); Days of Wonder; Bruno Faidutti,Serge Laget
Mystery of the Abbey! (2003); Days of Wonder; Bruno Faidutti,Serge Laget
Last modified:10.01.07

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