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Carcassonne - Der Graf von Carcassonne

Year:Essen 2004Picture of 'Carcassonne - Der Graf von Carcassonne'
Designer:Klaus-Jürgen Wrede
Publisher name:Hans im Glück
Status:Out of print
Price:EUR 4.00
Weight:50 g
Size:47 x 47 x 47 mm
No. of players:2-6
Age:8 years and up
Duration:20 minutes
German reviews:H@LL9000, Pöppelkiste, Spieletest, Topolino
Information:BoardGameGeek (EN), Wikipedia (DE)
Translations:The Count of Carcassonne (2004)
Comment:Expansion for Carcassonne.
Contents:12 Carcassonne-Plättchen
1 Holzfigur
Picture of 'Carcassonne - Der Graf von Carcassonne'
Last modified:07.12.23

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